Rubber Ducky

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Rubber Ducky

Rubber Ducky, you're the one;
You make bathtime lots of fun.
Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you.
(woh woh, bee doh!).

Rubber Ducky, joy of joys,
When I squeeze you, you make noise!
Rubber Ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true!
(doo doo doo doooo, doo doo).

Every day when I
Make my way to the tubby,
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby.

Rubber Ducky, you're so fine;
And I'm lucky that you're mine.
Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you.

Rubber Ducky, you're so fine;
And I'm lucky that you're mine.
Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of -
Rubber ducky, I'd like a whole pond of -
Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you!
(doo doo, be doo. ).

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Rubber Ducky

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