Yellow Bird

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Yellow Bird

A yellow bird, a yellow bird
With a yellow bill
Was sitting on
My window sill
I coaxed him in
With crumbs of bread
And then I squashed his, little head.

Information About Yellow Bird

"Yellow Bird" is a song that derives from a Haitian song from the 19th century entitled "Choucoune". The song "Choucoune" contained words taken from a poem by Oswald Durand the famous Haitian poet, and put to music by American born pianist Michel Mauleart Monton. It was first performed in Port-au-Prince in 1893.

"Yellow Bird" is a version of "Choucoune" using English lyrics written by Grammy Award winning songwriters Marilyn and Alan Bergman. These lyrics bear no resemblance to the original words.

"Yellow Bird" was first recorded by the Norman Luboff Choir in 1957 and arranged in calypso style. Since then it has been recorded by many artists including: Arthur Lyman, Chris Isaak, Roger Whitaker, Roger Williams, and Paul Clayton. The song continues to be linked with the Caribbean and is often performed as calypso by steel bands.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

Greet the day and the Yellow Bird with this version

Good Morning Mr. Yellow Bird
Yellow Bird,
Yellow Bird.
Good Morning Mr. Yellow Bird
And How are YOU?!

I'm Happy Mr. Yellow Bird,
Yellow Bird,
Yellow Bird,
I'm Happy Mr. Yellow Bird.
And How are you?

A longer version with 2 other animals

A yellow bird with a yellow bill was sitting on my window sill.
A yellow bird with a yellow bill was sitting on my (clap) window sill.
I coaxed him in with a piece of bread and then I smashed his little head.
I coaxed him in with a piece of bread and then I smashed his (clap) little head.

A little puppy with little paws was sitting on my table saw.
A little puppy with little paws was sitting on my (clap) table saw.
I picked him up like a piece of meat and then I cut off all his feet.
I picked him up like a piece of meat and then I cut off (clap) all his feet.

A little kitty a little cat was sitting on my welcome mat.
A little kitty a little cat was sitting on my (clap) welcome mat.
I picked her up and made her purr and then I pulled out all her fur.
I picked her up and made her purr and then I pulled out (clap) all her fur.

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