My Red Balloon

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Song Video


My Red Balloon

My red balloon,
My red balloon,
Flies up, up, to the sky.
I jumped up high,
To reach the sky,
But could not reach it; Why?
My red balloon,
My red balloon,
Flies up, up, to the sky.

Information About My Red Balloon

My Red Balloon continues to be a popular nursery rhyme for children. With its catchy lyrics and theme, the song has truly achieved global recognition. There is also a video of the song posted on YouTube.

This popular nursery rhyme was inspired by a book of the same name written by Eve Bunting. While not much is known about the singer or band that composed the ballad, the song was created in England several years ago.

My Red Balloon is part of several nursery rhyme and song collections. In fact, it was listed on the top 100 nursery songs released by an English educational company back in 2011. The name of this compilation was simply "English Nursery Rhymes".

The song is designed to teach children about colors and Mother Nature. Each video link of the song features easy to read lyrics as well. This helps children learn proper pronunciation of words, along with reading comprehension as well.

There have been several versions of the song released over the years. This includes a range of singers and bands that have produced the song for both educational and entertainment purposes. Here is a link to another version of the song, found on YouTube.

"Red Balloon" is considered an offshoot of the original song. The lyrics are by Mark Lenagan, however, the song is mainly known by adult audiences.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. My Red Balloon

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