Elephants Balancing

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Elephants Balancing

One grey elephant balancing
Step by step on a piece of string
Thought it was such a wonderful stunt
That he called for another elephant.

Two grey elepants balancing
Step by step on a piece of string
Thought it was such a wonderful stunt
That they called for another elephant.

Three grey elephants balancing
Step by step on a piece of string
Thought it was such a wonderful stunt
That they called for another elephant.

Four grey elephants balancing
Step by step on a piece of string
Thought it was such a wonderful stunt
That they called for another elephant.

Five grey elephants balancing
Step by step on a piece of string
All of a sudden the piece of string broke
And down came all the elephant folk.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Elephants Balancing



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