Chicken Little

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Chicken Little

Chicken Little was in the woods.
An acorn fell on his tail. Chicken Little said,
"The sky is falling. I will run".

Chicken Little met Henny Penny.
He said, "The sky is falling, Henny Penny".
Henny Penny said, "How do you know, Chicken Little?"
"I saw it with my eyes. I heard it with my ears. Some of it fell on my tail".
"We will run,' said Henny Penny". "We will run and tell the king".

They met Turkey Lurkey.
Henny Penny said, "The sky is falling, Turkey Lurkey".
"How do you know, Henny Penny?"
"Chicken Little told me".
"How do you know, Chicken Little?"
"I saw it with my eyes. I heard it with my ears. Some of it fell on my tail".
Turkey Lurkey said, "We will run. We will run and tell the king".

They met Ducky Lucky.
Turkey Lurkey said, "The sky is falling, Ducky Lucky".
"How do you know, Turkey Lurkey?"
"Henny Penny told me".
"How do you know, Henny Penny?"
"Chicken Little told me".
"How do you know, Chicken Little?"
"I saw it with my eyes. I heard it with my ears. Some of it fell on my tail".
Ducky Lucky said, "We will run. We will run and tell the king".

They met Goosey Loosey.
Ducky Lucky said, "The sky is falling, Goosey Loosey".
"How do you know, Ducky Lucky?"
"Turkey Lurkey told me".
"How do you know, Turkey Lurkey?"
"Henny Penny told me".
"How do you know, Henny Penny?"
"Chicken Little told me".
"How do you know, Chicken Little?"
"I saw it with my eyes. I heard it with my ears. Some of it fell on my tail".
Goosey Loosey said, "We will run. We will run and tell the king".

They met Foxy Loxy.
Goosey Loosey said, "The sky is falling, Foxy Loxy".
"How do you know, Goosey Loosey?"
"Ducky Lucky told me".
"How do you know, Ducky Lucky?"
"Turkey Lurkey told me".
"How do you know, Turkey Lurkey?"
"Henny Penny told me".
"How do you know, Henny Penny?"
"Chicken Little told me".
"How do you know, Chicken Little?"
"I saw it with my eyes. I heard it with my ears. Some of it fell on my tail".
Foxy Loxy said, "We will run. We will run into my den, and I will tell the king".

They ran into Foxy Loxy's den,
But they did not come out again!

Information About Chicken Little

"Chicken Little" is more famously known as "The Sky Is Falling" while other versions have titles such as "Chicken Licken" or "Henny Penny". The song is taken from an old fable about a chicken who thinks that the sky is falling when an acorn hits it on the head and sets out on a quest to inform the King, meeting other animals on his journey.

There are various Western versions of this tale and it is sometimes believed to be one of Aesop's Fables, but the story is related to a tale from the Jataka Tales of Buddhist Indian folklore. The Jatakas are a compilation of folklore dating from around Gautama Buddha's time (6th century BC) to the third century AD.

Chicken Little,Chicken Licken and Henny Penny and the phrase "The sky is falling!' have passed into idiomatic usage and are often applied to those believed of being unreasonably afraid and consequently producing panic in others.

For further information about the song "Chicken Little" you may find Wikipedia helpful.

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