
This song is considered sensitive and contains lyrics that may be offensive to some people. Please speak to a parent or guardian for further help.

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McDonald's is my kind of place
They serve you rattlesnakes
Hamburgers up your nose
French fries between your toes
McDonald's is my kind of place
Last time I went there
They fried my underwear.

McDonald's is your kind of place.
They serve you rattlesnakes,
throw milkshakes in your face,
they steal your parking place.
McDonald's is your kind of place.
They put french-fries up your nose,
and pickles 'tween your toes.
McDonald's is your kind of place!

McDonald's is our kind of place
Hamburgers in your face
French fries up your nose
Pickles between your toes
McDonald's is our kind of place
We want our money back
Before we have a heartattack.