Crazy Old Man from China

This song is considered sensitive and contains lyrics that may be offensive to some people. Please speak to a parent or guardian for further help.

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Crazy Old Man from China

My mother she told be to fix him some fish
Oh gee I don' wanna
I fixed him some fish and he ate up the dish
That crazy old man from China.

My mother she told me to give him a bath
Oh gee I don' wanna
I fixed him a bath and he stuck up his bottom
That crazy old man from China.

My mother she told me to put him to bed
Oh gee I don' wanna
I put him to bed and he chopped of his head
That crazy old man from China.

My mother she told me to bury him deep
Oh gee I don' wanna
I buried him deep and he stuck up his feet
That crazy old man from China.

My mother she told me to chop off the feet
Oh gee I don' wanna
I chopped off the feet and they ran down the street
That crazy old man from China!