Letter X


Letter X

Extra! Extra! Let's talk about it!
Letter x! Letter x! I want to shout out about it!
An exceptional letter, extraordinary too,
letter x is the one that follows w!

X! X! (The letter x. ) "X"! "X"!
X! X! (The letter x. ) "X"! "X"!

Now x sounds like "x" inside of a word!
So every time you see an x, this is how it's heard--
excite, exceed, extreme, extent,
explore, explode—that's excellent!

(The letter x. ) "X"! "X"!
X! X! (The letter x. ) "X"! "X"!

Well, there's an x in saxophone and there's an x in galaxy!
The x sound is the same wherever x will be!
In sixty and pixie and in the state of Texas,
the x is in the middle. That's exactly where the x is!
(The letter x. ) "X"! "X"!
X! X! (The letter x. ).

Now, when you see an x at the end of a word,
The sound of "x" will still be heard,
as in six, fix, ax, and mix,
flex, fox, wax, and ox. .

Now, x is a crossing, and x marks the spot!
If you want to know some more, this is what I've got:
When x starts a word it's got the sound of a z.
Will I give you an example? Most definitely!
Xylophone, the instrument! Well, that's one that you've probably heard.
Well, I think it's kind of funny that x can start a word!

X! Can I get an x? X! What a great letter.

X is my buddy, x is my friend,
x is the one I can see at the end.

X! That's letter x, y'all.
That's letter x. X!

X! X! Let me tell you about x!
"X"! "X"!

One more time, one more time, say x!